This training video will review some of the commonly used manager tools available in the employee portal, such as outstanding manager approvals as well as several important functions within the Manager Portal.
PTO Approvals
When you log into the employee portal as a manager, the first thing you will see is your dashboard. The dashboard displays basic items and information such as your pay, benefits, and personal information as well as administrative functions such as outstanding manager approvals.
For example, leave requests can be approved through the dashboard, in your message center in the upper right hand corner, or through the manager tools in the left-hand menu. Click on this Manager Tools and select My Approval's to see the employee’s request for time-off:
- In this example, the employee has submitted a time off request for July 19th through July 20th for total of 12 hours.
- By clicking on More Details, we can see the employees currently has 64.04 hours available, more than enough to cover the 12 hours requested.
- To see if anybody else on your team has already requested PTO that would conflict with this current time-off request, click on PTO Team Calendar. Current time-off requests that have been approved will be displayed in blue while requests that are still pending approval are displayed in brown. Click on the individual requests to see more information.
If you’re ready to approve a time-off request, simply navigate to My Approvals and click on Approve. The employee will receive a notification in their employee portal and via email confirming the approval.
Viewing Employee Information
The Manager Tools menu also allows you to access your employee’s information through the employee portal. In the left menu under Manager Tools click on My Employees to access a full list of employees. Clicking on an employee’s name will open a summary of details tab, which includes items such as date of hire, their last review date, current pay rate, employee ID number, personal information including birthdate or marital status, emergency contact and any other contact information such as any addresses, phone numbers or email addresses that are on file. You can also view current and historical PTO time accumulated by the employee.
Please note that the Manager Portal is accessed through a separate link.
My Favorites
In the top left corner of the dashboard is the My Favorites section. These functions have been pre-assigned to you by our onboarding team based on your specific business needs.
Recent Payrolls
Below the My Favorites section is a quick access panel for your Recent Payrolls. By selecting a payroll number, you can access a summary of reports and view all invoices, client allocation reports, and your payroll register.
My Support Team
In the top right is My Support Team, which lists the direct contact information for your payroll coordinator, benefits administrator, client support specialist, human resources and sales director. These team members will provide direct support with any inquiries regarding your account or your payroll.
My Employees
In the bottom-right-hand corner is My Employees. This section provides more in-depth employee details than what is available in the Manager Tool of the Employee Portal. Click on an employee’s name to see a summary of their employment data categorized by the following tabs: name, personal, address, work, pay tax, deposit, skills & education and property. Please refer to the video above for additional details regarding each category.
My Employees - Action Menu
The 3-bar icon in the upper right-hand corner of the My Employee tool is the Action Menu. Click on the Action Menu to populate several additional functions that are specific to the employee. Below are some of the Action Menu's primary functions:
- Benefit Overview - this allows you to view the insurances that are active for the individual employee as well as what type of coverage they’ve enrolled in and their contributions. This can be useful if you want to confirm that the employee is enrolled in benefits, or if they have questions about their deductions.
- Change User Password - If the employee has forgotten their password, you can change it for them from the Change User Password action menu tab.
- Documents - Documents can be uploaded directly into and housed within the employee’s file. Documents can include any items related to the employee, including onboarding documentation, performance reviews, written warnings and more. On the right hand side of the document window, under ESS, you check the box share the file and make it available to the employee inside their employee portal under their My Documents tab.
- Payroll Vouchers - Click here and select the appropriate payroll period under the banking tab. From here click on Reprint Check Stubs to produce a PDF that can either be printed or saved for the employee.
- Reprint Form W-2 - Click here and select the appropriate tax year, then click Run. This will produce a PDF that can then be printed out for the employee.
Using the Data Retriever Tool:
From the home screen: click on the Data Retriever Tool under My Favorites:
- Select Client(s) - Make sure the client name you would like to run your report on is toggled. Some businesses may have employees separated by more than one business client.
- Add Fields - Use this section to add employee information to your report. You may toggle an entire category at one time, or individually select data fields by clicking on the + icon next to each category title.
- Add Totals - This section allows you to add custom numerical fields/information to your report.
When all appropriate categories and data fields have been selected, click on Run in the top right corner. The Data Retriever Tool will provide a preview of your report. You can click on Export Report to generate and download an Excel.xlsx spreadsheet of the selected information.
Planned Time Off Requests Tool
Click on Planned Time Off Requests to display all time off request currently in the system. You can select to display both pending and approved time off requests. If you need to cancel an employee’s time off request after it’s been approved, click on cancel. A warning box will appear letting you know that the selected request will be canceled. Clicking YES will remove the time-off request from the list, and a new request may need to be submitted by the employee.
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