This article will go over the basics of the Time & Labor tool inside the Manager Portal. To begin, click here to log into the Manager Portal.
The Time & Labor Dashboard
The Time & Labor function can be found on the left-hand side of the dashboard in your manager favorites section; or you can find it using the search bar above.
When you first open time and labor you will see your dashboard. This provides you with a high-level glimpse of all the information that you would find in your employee’s timesheets. You will see all currently required approval‘s; which may include items such as unscheduled or missed employee time punches. The Missed Punches module also flags and displays any incidents where employees missed a punch-in or punch-out time, such as an employee who forgot to clock-out when leaving the previous day.
Below this is the Pending Time Off Requests module, which simply houses any pending time off requests submitted by employees that are still waiting for manager approval. The Conflicting Segments module will display any scheduling conflicts flagged by the system, such as if an employee has clocked in on a day which they had previously scheduled off. You can also use the Reminders module to add any additional reminders to the system that you plan on handling later. For example, setting a reminder to edit an employee’s timeclock after you’ve confirmed their punch times.
On the right-hand side of the dashboard is the Approaching Overtime module. This feature will alert you if a currently clocked in employee is approaching overtime for the week so that you may communicate your overtime policy with them if necessary. The Overtime module will show you who has already hit overtime for the week. Lastly the Anniversaries module simply lets you know if an employee’s work anniversary is coming up in the near future.
Adjusting Employee Hours in Time & Labor
Click on Hours in the upper right-hand corner then click on Individual Hours to see a list of your employees. Click on an employee’s name to display their current timesheet. By clicking in the calendar period field, you can manually select different dates that you’d like to search for. You can view the timesheets from the last year, week-to-date, year-to-date, the last 30 days, or any other applicable timeframe. Click on the option that best suits your needs and click update.
In this example you can see that our employee’s most recent punch was August 27 and is showing a missed punch. To resolve this, you will check the box at the beginning of the timesheet row and click on manage, then click on Edit. The Edit Segment displays that the employee has missed their in-punch for the day. In order to correct the time, click on the appropriate box and input the correct time. Since this is not a break, leave the Break type as none and click save. The system displays the edited time in green to show that this time has been approved.
If you need to add a punch, for example if the employee missed their in punch for the day, click on Add. Select “Individual is clocked in” to automatically clock them in for their scheduled time and also select “Missed in punch” and adjust the date and time if necessary. You may select a pay code and cost code if applicable and when you’re finished click save. You can now see this employee is clocked in for the day and will be able to clock out at the end of their shift.
We recommend that PTO is normally handled through the employee portal, however if the employee is not able to submit their PTO request you can click the Add button to add PTO for an employee through the Time and Labor tool. Click on “timesheet entry” to simply enter hours into the system rather than a scheduled punch in and punch out time. Also select the applicable pay code for the time off request. If the employee is taking of multiple days, use the drop-down menu to select the correct number of days off and then click save.
You also have the option to view group hours. The group hours tab works in the same way as the timesheet except that it displays all of your employees at once. By clicking on update next to the currently selected time-period you can see the employees who have requested time-off for that period. Once all of the time has been reviewed for that time-period and you’re ready for payroll to be processed you can click on resolve period. In the Resolve Period box that appears, select the toggles to indicate these options are approved and click on Apply. You will repeat this process at the end of each pay period so that when your payroll coordinator is ready to run payroll they will see that you’ve signed off and approved the displayed times.
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